Firebreaks in all areas Darwin-Metro and Rural

Fire season is upon us again, notices are being mailed out from councils.

Your Legal requirements if you live on acreage property is to install firebreaks, cut all grass down to 50mm, trim all over hanging trees, and the perimeter around your property must be at least 4m wide,

For dwellings Maintain all over hanging trees, keep long grass no more than 50mm high.

Contact your local council or Bush Fires NT on advice on firebreaks requirements,

We at Dobson Excavations can assist with your firebreaks or fire prevention, with either our Brush cutter slasher, which can cut down to ground level small trees/bushes/scrubs/weeds etc, it can also trim trees that are over hanging driveways or access entry for firebreaks, plus it slashes grass. Check out our link for a demonstration or call Bruce on 0414755306.


Brush Cutter Slasher for Firebreaks
Brush cutter slasher for firebreaks