Mini Excavator for Tight Access or Limited Space for Hire

Is Tight Access a problem with your site? Or Limited Space where a machine can not turn or move around?

With our Mini Excavator its width is 98cm just under a meter, combined with our mini dump truck which is 790mm, we can assess just about anywhere, through garages, carports, side access.

We can access your yard with our Mini Excavator to install Leach drains, septic or soak well tanks, and Shed Pads, sand pad extensions, trenches, lawn removal, pool holes, rubbish removal etc.

If materials are required we supply sand and soil,than our Mini Excavator assist,  if materials are needed to be removed than our Mini Excavator and dump truck can move it out of your tight access or limited space.

Our Mini Excavator is a 1.7 Ton Hitachi ZX17U-S, our mini dump truck is a Wacker Nelson DT08.

Contact Bruce on 0414755306 for a site visit and a free quote.

Also visit to view all our machinery.


Leach Drain Install with our Mini Excavator
Tight Access Mini Dump Truck
Mini -Excavator- Hire
Mini Excavator Hire for Tight Access or Limited Sites